This presentation mainly examines morphology of the verbs in adverbial clauses such as conditionals and concessives in nDrapa (Daofu and Yajiang Counties, Kanzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture). One of the observable characteristics is negation: the prohibitive form is employed as the negation in a certain type of clauses. Moreover, the point-of-view marking (Pattern A: egophoric/Pattern B: non-egophoric) is neutralized in the subordinate clauses, but the participation of the pivot (i: the speaker of a direct declarative sentence; ii: the hearer of an interrogative sentence; or iii: the original speaker of a reported sentence) may affect the acceptability of a certain type of adverbial clause.
I will describe the morphological characteristics of adverbial clauses in nDrapa and will discuss the contrast with other languages in the western Sichuan area.