Special Focus: Sino-Tibetan Languages of Sichuan in their Areal Context
2-4 Sep 2013 Paris (France)

Presentation instructions

Accepted presentations fall into two categories: oral presentations and poster presentations.

Oral presentations will take place in the Amphitheater. We anticipate allocating 40 minutes to each presentation, including about 10 minutes for discussions.
The poster session is scheduled to take place in the afternoon of September 4th, in room 8 (same building). The maximum size of the poster is A0, vertical format.

An official letter of acceptance of your submission can be issued to you on request. By default, we issue letters in French, which can be provided as part of visa application to a French embassy abroad. If you need a letter in English (for your home institution), please let us know when you request the letter of invitation.

Remember to register for the Workshop on this website, before the deadline (August 15th). Thanks to support from our sponsors, registration is free of charge.

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